Beachbody Success – Smart Ass Fitness Canada's Number One Beachbody Team Tue, 31 May 2016 06:20:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 41230960 Canada’s First Beachbody Millionaire Sun, 29 May 2016 06:31:29 +0000 I wanted to give people a bit of an update with my journey with Team Beachbody over the last few years. There has been a lot of news around since I became the first Canadian to earn over one million dollars USD as a Team Beachbody Coach, hitting the Beachbody Millionaires Club, so I thought I'd write a post about my journey, what my team has accomplished, and how we did it!

Miguel Carrasco Beachbody Millionaire

As some of you know, I became a Beachbody Coach back in October 2012. Little did I know it would completely change my life! I started as a Beachbody Coach because I wanted to help men and women get in the best shape of their lives. Little did I know it would lead to helping men and women all over the world start their own businesses, and reach financial independence, and true life freedom!

When I first started, I had a full-time job that I loved, working about 40-60 hours a week, travelling, in the computer industry. I didn't start Beachbody Coaching for the income. I started it because I had the passion to help others. I didn't want other people to go through what I had to go through when I gained weight and ended up in the hospital with high blood pressure.

Let me first talk to you about what this amazing team of coaches has accomplished, and then end with a few tips for you if you are thinking about becoming a Beachbody Coach in Canada, USA, or Puerto Rico! If a former computer programmer can build a million dollar business as a fitness coach in his spare time while working a full-time job, you can accomplish anything.

The Largest and Most Successful Team in Canada

In my first year as a Beachbody Coach, I became the first Diamond coach in Canada in 24 days since launch, and then went on to become the first coach to ever hit 5 Star Diamond Coach, and later become the first and only Elite Coach in the entire company. Our team was growing fast and we had nearly 500 coaches on our team in our first year alone! Here's a picture of me signing Canada's first ever Elite Star at Coach Summit in Las Vegas, 2014.

Miguel Carrasco Elite Coach

Our team is currently made up of over 6,000 coaches in Canada, USA, and Puerto Rico! Here's a picture of some of the All-Star Coaches at a Beachbody event in Nashville about a year ago! It was taken right after I spoke on stage to some 8,000 people!

Smart Ass Fitness Coach Summit 2015

Our Coaches Results Featured in Infommercials

The coolest part has been so many of our coaches results have been featured by Beachbody on their web sites, on tv, and even starring in infomercials. And not just any infomercials, the number one infomercials in North America!

Here's a picture of me on television for PiYo, which airs in Canada, USA, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom!

Miguel Carrasco PiYo Infomercial

I've Met So Many Beachbody Celebrity Trainers!

Another incredible part of this journey has been able to meet so many of the trainers that are featured in the workout dvd's. All the stars from P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, Body Beast, 21 Day Fix, and so many more!

Here's a picture of me with one of my favourite trainers, and the creator of TurboFire, the program that helped me lose nearly 60 pounds in a 90 day period!

Miguel Carrasco Chalene Johnson

Another one of my favourite trainers has to be Autumn Calabrese. When she came to Beachbody, I remember speaking with her on stage, and watching her incredible career with Beachbody progress to what it is today… SUPERSTAR! So proud to call her my friend, and so happy she has come out to Winnipeg to visit us and lead workouts with our coaches!

And of course Sagi Kalev also was able to make the trip to Winnipeg to headline one of our events up here in Canada! You might know him as “The Beast” or the star from The Master's Hammer & Chisel.

Sagi Kalev Winnipeg

Currently Our Team is Growing Insanely Fast

In November 2015, I was the first Canadian to reach more than One Million Dollars total earnings USD from Team Beachbody. Although this sounds like such a huge milestone and accomplishment (and of course it is), what made me more excited was what it meant.

  • The tens of thousands of lives I've helped get in the best shape of their lives.
  • The thousands and thousands of coaches that I help build their own at home fitness business.
  • The moms I've helped leave their full-time 9-5 jobs so they could be at home with their kids.
  • The dads I've helped become top coaches, giving kids their dad back.

How Can You Become The Next Top Beachbody Coach?

Let me give you a few tips if you are thinking about becoming a coach, or have already become a coach.

The first tip is make sure you have a fire and passion to want to help other people. This is the biggest key to success as a Beachbody Coach. The first few weeks and months can be challenging, especially if you don't have the right coach or sponsor to help you along the way. Have patience, focus on helping others, focus on your own health and fitness journey. You will find as the weeks go on, you will start to find a rhythm and stride to your business.

My second tip is to make sure you do your research before you become a Beachbody coach. Makes sure you understand what workout program you want to start with, what flavour of Shakeology you want to try, what team you want to join. These all sound like simple things, but as an example: Not joining the right team that you fit with, that will support you and give you all the tools that you need to be successful, can definitely play a huge impact in the level of success you end up reaching as a Beachbody Coach!

So What's The Next Step?

For me, my goals are huge. I want to change the world and I believe helping others become incredible Team Beachbody Coaches is one of the best ways for me to do that. If you'd like to apply to join our team, fill in the quick few questions below, or add me on facebook at: so we can connect and chat about your next steps. I'd love to have you join our team and help you achieve your goals.

Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on the actual incomes of all our Coaches.
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Why Most People Quit Beachbody Coaching Tue, 15 Oct 2013 07:19:15 +0000 It surprises me to no end that people quit Beachbody Coaching, and really, most network marketing companies, as quickly as they sign-up. But after being a Beachbody Coach now for a year, becoming a 5 Star Diamond Coach within my first 12 months as a coach, I can tell you why people quit.

People Think They Work For Beachbody, and Deserve Pay Per Hour

Let's be honest here, most people thing that if they work 10 hours, they should be paid for those 10 hours of effort. Two problems here with Beachbody. The first, is you are a CEO of your business. You don't work for Beachbody. So if you expect to get paid per hour, you should go work for someone else. The reason people join Beachbody, is because they want to become their own boss, and make money that is reserved for business owners, CEO's.

The thing about business owners and CEO's,  is that they work really hard for very little pay. They invest hundreds of thousands of dollars just to get started, and start hoping that they will make their money back in the next 3 to 5 years, and then start making money. This is the mentality that works very well with Beachbody. And it's actually much better!

With Beachbody, you can work very hard just for a month, and make back your initial investment. I would even argue you can make nothing, and still be ahead because you would get in the best shape of your life. The initial investment is nothing! And here in is the problem. Because the cost to get started is basically buying a workout, when it comes to making a business out of Beachbody, people don't put in the hours they would if they had mortgaged their house to get things moving.

People Aren't Happy With The Pay Upfront

The second part to this puzzle why people quit Beachbody Coaching, is because they don't get paid to start a business. They assume they should be making money as they build the business. They don't realize that business, and Beachbody Coaching is all about working hard for a few months, or a few years, for very little pay, in order to get paid an incredible amount of money at the end.

Video: Why People Quit Beachbody

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Beachbody Coach Tip: Product of the Product Wed, 09 Oct 2013 13:08:17 +0000 I always have to top and wonder why this one even needs to be stated out loud. I mean, the way I take it, I am CEO of my Beachbody Business, and as CEO of a fitness and nutrition business, I hold myself accountable to a couple of things. Let me explain.

CEO of Your Beachbody Business

Do you realize you are CEO of your Beachbody Business? Stop and think about that for a second. You don't work for anyone. You own your Beachbody business. You are CEO. All great CEO's have a few things in common.

1. They believe in their products, and are the biggest advocate!
2. They believe in their employees, and would move heaven and earth to ensure they are successful and feel fulfilled and happy.
3. They care about humanity, the world, and want to leave the world better than it was when they arrived.

In Beachbody Coaching Tip video, I explain exactly what I mean.

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Beachbody Coach Tip: Doing What Works Sat, 05 Oct 2013 01:21:37 +0000 Do What Works To Achieve Incredible Beachbody Results

In order to become a successful Beachbody Coach, you need to find what works for you, and just do the same thing over and over and over again. So many times I talk to people that achieve great results, but then for some reason, decide to stop doing what works, and try something different. This blows my mind! Why on earth would you stop doing what works, to try something new?

To become a successful Beachbody Coach, you need to focus on what works for you, and do it with what I call relentless passion. Relentless passion will help you achieve things beyond your wildest dreams with Beachbody. In this quick video, I explain how doing what works for you over and over again, will help you explode your Beachbody business.

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Beachbody Coach Tip: Consistency Wed, 02 Oct 2013 15:21:47 +0000 How To Achieve Incredible Results By Being Consistent

Consistency is often overlooked in every aspect of life. It is one of the biggest differences between success and failure. I talk to hundreds of Beachbody Coaches a month, many of which that aren’t on my team, and they ask questions like: How do you get more leads, How do you sell more challenge packs, How do you motivate your team? Yet nobody has ever asked me “Miguel, how are you so consistent?” To me, consistency is everything. Anybody can hit a home run once in a while. Anyone can sprint as fast as possible, for a little while. Ask yourself this. If I were to ask you to run as fast as you can for 10 seconds, you could definitely do it.

However, if I said, run or jog at whatever pace you want, for 26 miles, most of you COULD NOT do it. Why would this happen? You would run too hard and quit. Or you might get bored if you go to slow and thing the finish line will never come. Or you might see a car drive by, jump in wanting to cheat, and then get caught and get disqualified. You might even quit before you start, thinking “nope, can’t do that.” This is why always say being a Beachbody Coach is like running a marathon. It’s not the fastest that will finish the race… it’s the one that takes consistent action, and never fails to consistently push forward even when their legs start to cramp and the finish line seems so far away.

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Beachbody National Wake Up Call – Leadership Retreat 2013 Recap Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:25:33 +0000 Today I had the honor today of being featured on the Beachbody National Wake Up Call. I was pretty excited to say the least. I just love sharing my story with people, and hoping it inspires others to want to share their fitness and nutrition journey with the world. It was truly an honor to represent Canada on this call, and I'm hoping it inspired other Canadians to shoot for the stars, and see the incredible things that are possible as a Beachbody coach.
Listen Here:

I will say, It was weird to hear my name being announced by someone I really look up to, Jeff Hill… “The first Canadian Diamond Beachbody Coach. The first Canadian Two Star Diamond Beachbody Coach. The first Canadian Three Star Diamond Beachbody Coach. The first Canadian Four Star Diamond Beachbody Coach. 11 Months of constitutive Success Club, every month he has been a Beachbody Coach. I sat back and was like… “wow, our team was busy this year!”.

Listen to the Leadership Retreat Beachbody National Wake Up Call Replay

On the call I share my TurboFire transformation story, and what got me excited about Beachbody when I first joined. I even go into a bit of detail on how I chose to run my business, and my team here in Canada. So if you have always wondered how you can become a 5 Star Diamond Beachbody Coach, I lay out my secret sauce for all to hear, right on the call. I also share my big goal, 15 Star Diamond by Coach Summit 2014.

“4 Star Diamond Canadian Coach, Miguel Carrasco, rocked this week's National #WakeupCall. Listen to the replay to hear Miguel discuss the hot new announcements from the 2013 Leadership Retreat and how he's planning to leverage them to lead his Team forward.”

Listen Here:

Beachbody National Wake Up Call
Beachbody National Wake Up Call

Tune In To Other Beachbody National Wake Up Calls

Beachbody does a great job of putting these calls together with some amazing leaders across the organization. To listen to Beachbody National Wake Up Call, simply dial into the number:

Canadian Callers: 1-416-915-9063 Pin: 12234#

Listen on the playback line: Dial 1 (832) 225-5065


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5 Ways To Motivate Your Beachbody Teams Sun, 20 Jan 2013 21:39:45 +0000 One of the biggest secrets to becoming a successful Beachbody coach is actually being able to motivate your team to take action. While 99.9% of you are so focused on recruiting new people into the business, you need to realize that the best way to grow, is actually to grow your existing team! Now this is much more than just a pat on the back and saying “Go team go!” as most people will eventually tire of that, and read right through you. What I am talking about is actually motivating your teams with transformational leadership. Creating an environment where your Beachbody team will succeed together by setting goals, and getting incredible results.

I was lucky enough to attend an executive MBA program at Queens School of Business focused on Transformational Leadership, and boy is this paying off with Beachbody Coaching. Stop whatever you are doing right now, turn off Facebook, turn off the TV, and play close attention to 5 things you need to be doing RIGHT NOW, no matter how small or large your Beachbody business is. Don't just read them. Internalize these quick points, and write down 5 things you are going to do this week to transform your business.

1. Create Team Comradery

The first thing you need to do when trying to establish yourself as a Beachbody team, is create great comradery amongst your team. This can be as simple as picking a team name and creating your own Facebook group. Even if you are part of a larger Beachbody team, I strongly suggest you take the time to build a team name, and a Facebook group for yourself and your team. This will allow you work together, focus on a clear set of goals, and create a great environment for your team to communicate and thrive together as Beachbody family.

2. Make Yourself Available

You need to be there for your team. They are looking to you for guidance and support. It doesn't matter if you are running a team with 3,000 coaches, or 1 coach. Everyone needs help. Do not rely on your upline sponsor to do things for you. You need to help them. This means giving them your cell phone number, your Facebook profile. You need to promote the fact that they can text or you call you any time. I help all of my coaches sign-up their first few coaches. This ensures that they will know how to do things properly in the future, and I know they will teach their new coaches to do the same thing. This is critical folks. If you are planning on being one of the top Beachbody coaches, you need to make yourself available.

3. Show Them Results

Not everyone is going to get amazing results day one. I am a firm believer that anyone can do the Beachbody business however some people will simply need more time to do some personal development before they come into their own and start landing coaches and challengers. Along the way you need to show them results. An excellent way of doing this is to jump on team calls with your Beachbody teams and show people results from other coaches on a weekly basis. This will keep your Beachbody team motivated because they will realize that other people that are no different than they are, are getting awesome results.

4. Don't Over Promise

When you are bringing new coaches into the business, it is critical that you don't over promise and later under deliver on those promises. Yes you will be excited at the prospect of having someone new join the business, but that will do you no good if in a few months they quit because they were promised something that was unrealistic. I say this to all my coaches, and I'll say this to you. The Beachbody Coaching Opportunity is a Marathon, it's not a 100 meter sprint. Can you get amazing financial benefits? You bet! Can you change the lives of thousands of people? Absolutely! Will you do it in the first month of the business? First year? First 2 years? Nobody really knows. It's all up to you! Don't promise them they will achieve any results because the reality is, you don't know if they think trying hard is working 2 hours a week at Beachbody, and trying hard to you means 60 hours a week. This business can be done with very little time every week, but just know that will obviously make things take a long time for you.

5. Focus on Making Them Successful

Stop focusing on yourself. If you are busy reading this post because you are focused on how you are going to be successful at Beachbody coaching, then you are missing the point. The reason you should be reading this post, and others on how to do well at Beachbody is so that your team can do well! In fact you should be sending your teams, and their teams to this article so they can build their teams in the correct manor.  You need to put 120% focus on making your team successful. Your number one goals should be “How do I make my team members more successful than me!” This means helping everyone on your team get to Emerald. Taking the Emerald Coaches to Ruby. Helping the coaches that want to get to Diamond, get there. It's not easy. You can't do it with just one call a week with your whole team on the call. You need to make it personal, and connect with the people that need it most.

Final Thoughts on Beachbody Coaching

Starting a business is scary. You need to realize that once people commit to starting a business, they have gone through a lot of thinking even before they decided to join your team. You need to honor that trust they have put into you, with their hard earned money and time they are about to pour into making their dreams come true. You need to push hard for them, work with them, and try and make them better throughout the journey. You need to learn along the way, and let them teach you about yourself, and your skills, and where you are lacking. Help your team succeed, and you will succeed. It's that simple. I hope this helps all of the Beachbody Coaches out there.


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The Importance of Running Weekly Team Calls Sat, 19 Jan 2013 07:47:42 +0000 I can't tell you how important it is to run weekly team calls with your Beachbody coaching teams. It's a game changer. Even if you are part of a larger team, you need to start running team calls with your personally sponsored coaches and below or you are going to grow slowly. By having a team call, you create a platform to constantly stay in contact with your team, and create a comradery amongst your team. This gives you that platform to train your team, give them news and announcements you feel are important, and even provide an avenue for your team to invite other potential coaches to come and listen to you!

How To Run A Beachbody Weekly Team Call

In order to run a team call you are going to need some great software that makes it super simple for your team to connect, and watch replays of the meetings in case they miss the call. More on that in a bit. Also, you are going to want to create an agenda for the meeting so you stay on topic and on time, and lastly, you are going to want to prepare some slides, and make time before the call to get ready for the call. Remember, people are making time out of their day to come and listen to you! You need to make sure you make it valuable. This is your chance to get people fired up!

One of the most important things to do on a team call is motivate the team. A typical agenda i follow is to congratulate all the new coaches, rank advancements, and any special accomplishments. Once you are through with those, I always like to dive right into the steak. The meat of the call. I usually share tips on these calls that I feel will help push peoples businesses forward. I try and cut out all the fluff of the week, and create a really clear message that is actionable.

Find Great Meeting Software

People are going to be frustrated if they can't get on the call. This is actually the most important point to everything! You could have the best agenda, the most amazing presentation. But if you use software that is complicated, or people can't connect to on an iPad or iPhone for example, you are going to create a lot of unhappy team members.

Trust me when I tell you I have used every product under the sun for running meetings. Being in the IT industry for 15 years, I have seen everything. The one I keep coming back to lately is MeetingBurner. The reason it's the perfect meeting software for Beachbody coaches is it lets you start with a free account for up to 10 concurrent users. For most Beachbody teams starting out, this is more than enough to get you to a Diamond level Beachbody Coach. Once you are Diamond, you will likely be making enough money to afford the upgrade to the upgrade to the 50 concurrent user account. Ontop of it all, it is the easiest to use software out there. It's clean and simple, supports audio, video, screen sharing, webcam, chatting, and even some other really cool features.

The Features Are Amazing

Truth be told, the features are amazing with MeetingBurner. I wanted to keep it a secret in fact for my team because I feel it gives us a massive competitive edge. That would have been mean lol. MeetingBurner lets you share your screen with anyone without having them downloading any extra software. Not only that, but it actually works on iPad, iPhone, and even Android Phones! You can connect to the calls with just your computer, or you can dial in with the phone, or even Skype!

beachbody teamcall software
Incredibly Easy User Interface

Building Your List

The other reason there is nothing else that beats MeetingBurner, is it allows you to build your email list. Build your email list? You bet! One of the most important things you can do as a Beachbody Coach is capture as many email addresses as you possibly can. As I always like to say, friends may come, and friends may go, but email lists last forever. MeetingBurner lets people register for the meeting with their email address, cell phone number, or even Facebook!

Final Thoughts On Team Calls

If you have read this far, I'm guessing you are actually serious about growing your Beachbody business and rocking Beachbody. If that is the case, you need to stop reading and take some action. Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. I wish you all the best luck. If you want to try MeetingBurner, you can try it here.

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7 Rules For Beachbody Coaching Success Fri, 18 Jan 2013 04:46:37 +0000 The True Secrets To Beachbody Success

I wanted to take some time to share with you how I was able to become the first Canadian Diamond Beachbody Coach, and do it in 24 days, and continue to grow rapidly week after week. Now obviously Beachbody has the vital behaviors you must follow, so I won't go into detail on those, but I will go into detail on what they don't tell you.

1. Find a Great Team and Great Sponsor

As with anything in life, you are only as good as those you surround yourself with. The best tip I could give anyone, not just those looking to do incredibly well in Beachbody, but also those that are looking to do well in any area of their lives is: Surround yourself with people that are incredible. People that have achieved what you want to achieve, and feed off of their energy. This is incredibly important with Beachbody. You need to find a Beachbody team that is going to support your personal development, teach you everything there is to know about Beachbody Coaching, and help you build one of your legs! One of your legs? If you don't know what this means, YOU NEED A GOOD COACH.

2. Find Out Who You Are

You need to figure out what makes you unique. So many coaches keep asking me how I was able to achieve Diamond Status in 24 days, and then they try and do exactly what I did. Sounds reasonable. But the problem with this, is they are not me. They are who they are! One of the biggest reasons people fail to get results, is they try too hard to be someone they aren't. If they were simply the best person they could be, they would be shocked at how incredible the results would be for them. Some of you would be amazing Fit Club focused Beachbody Coaches. I could never do that. I love doing the workouts, but the thought of organizing Fit Clubs on a regular basis just makes my stomach churn and I'd get bored. For me, I had done marketing, branding, and social media for years for top fortune 500 companies, so the natural play was to focus my Beachbody Coaching growth efforts on this area.

3. Build Leaders Fast

If you are expecting to grow fast, you need to build leaders fast. My Beachbody Coaching team is blowing up right now! If I hadn't taken the time to train some of my top coaches along the way to be their own rock stars, I would have never been able to sustain the growth that I've experienced. This is actually the hardest part of building a successful Beachbody business. Many people will take years in Beachbody to learn to build leaders, and spend much of their time in personal development learning how to build leaders. I was fortunate enough to take an executive MBA program focused on Transformational Leadership at Queens School of business that has paid for itself 100 times over.

4. Spend Time Learning Beachbody Before Selling or Recruiting

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they get started is they get super excited about the Beachbody business opportunity, and then go out and try and get everyone around them to join the opportunity. The problem with this, is you know very little about Beachbody! Even if your excitement gets others excited, they will want to ask questions and you won't know the answer! And if you don't know the answers, your chances of bringing someone into the business, or helping someone find the best Beachbody Challenge Pack, is going to be slim to none. I know you are excited about Beachbody, but learn more about Beachbody before you head out there and try and sign-up everyone on your block.

5. Fail Fast

When I first started asking people if they wanted to join Beachbody, I had about 10 people say they wanted to just go to the gym, and another 10 say they weren't interested in becoming coaches. It made me sad. But guess what. I moved on. I lived. Seriously though, many people take this the wrong way and stop dead in their tracks. This is why so many people quit! Could you imagine if I had quit after 5, or 10, or 15 “no man, no thanks”. I would have never become a Diamond Beachbody Coach in 24 days! I realized that every time I heard a “no”, it just meant I was one step closer to hearing “yes!”. And guess what, even the “no”‘s turned into “yes” after a few months. I mean, once you see my Facebook wall, you realize that Beachbody is the real deal!

6. Don't Start Recruiting Your Family and Friends

So the sad reality is that for many of us, your close friends and family see you as something already, and no matter what you do, they are going to always see you as the Software Guy, or the Marketing Guy, or the Director of Finance Lady. And if you are in a tough spot financially, your friends and family are going to never believe you that you are in a good opportunity if they know you as the person that never has any money. I know, this is a harsh one, but it's the truth.  The best strategy to get going, is to AVOID them until you get great success. Once you have the success, and you don't really need them involved, then you can approach them and see if they might want to join Beachbody Coaching.

7. Steady Progress is the Key

While everyone wants to get out to an incredible start, steady progress is really the key when it comes to building a Beachbody empire. Hit Success Club! You need to at least hit Success Club 5, and Success Club 10 if you can every month in order to ensure you will have success in Beachbody. This ensures you are always adding new challengers to your team, new coaches. This works for so many reasons! Your existing coaches will see new coaches being added. Your team will get new and excited blood injected. You will have a new coach with new contacts that can add many new coaches to your team.

Some Final Thoughts

I'm so thrilled so many of you are so excited about being Beachbody Coaches. I want you to do incredibly well, and get the rewards, recognition, and financial freedom I'm experiencing now thanks to all the hard work I put into growing my Canadian Beachbody Team. If you follow these 7 rules, you will dominate Beachbody, and get the results you have been looking for. Dream the extreme!


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