Comments on: Focus T25 Review Canada's Number One Beachbody Team Fri, 03 Apr 2020 05:06:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Grace Gonzalez Wed, 19 Oct 2016 02:14:47 +0000 Do you need to do the meal plan to loose the 20 pounds? or can I just do the exercise?

By: Julie Walton Sun, 25 Oct 2015 07:40:07 +0000 Will 30 days be enough to notice changes

By: John Smith Mon, 07 Sep 2015 23:00:27 +0000 My son is 15 and wants to improve his overall strength and endurance. He is active, soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter and tennis in the spring. What would you suggest?

By: Maggie Carberry Sat, 06 Jun 2015 19:51:26 +0000 Do double on friday, and get better results. That's why it's there!

By: Maggie Carberry Sat, 06 Jun 2015 19:49:31 +0000 You get a double on Fridays, but you should give your muscles time to heal. It's definitely intense on your muscles.

By: Maria T Lopez Sat, 30 May 2015 00:37:05 +0000 I have been trying for 30 minutes to purchase t25 & will not let me pick my city & state so I can complete the order.

By: Michael Muirhead Mon, 25 May 2015 20:10:05 +0000 That is Insane Ted well done I been told to try power 90 the first one after this.

By: Jenna Prewitt Thu, 14 May 2015 22:09:24 +0000 Mr. Shaun T, I watch your informative ads on tv every night @ random late hours & I'm interested BUT I am disabled (result of car crash) but I can do somethings–I was hoping you could call me (805)341-1311 & discuss an exersize regiment.–I am ready to get that body so I can attract a husband

By: Sheza Hamzah Tariq Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:05:16 +0000 hi! im on my second week of t25 and havent been seeing any weight loss on the scale. i was following the insanity nutrition guide so im guessing thats where i went wrong. the t25 nutrition guide features heavily on fish and i dont eat that, it makes me feel sick. can i sub the fish meals on the five day fasttrack with the chicken ones in the same plan?

By: Carly Stevens Fri, 17 Apr 2015 19:35:22 +0000 I started T 25 last week, and I haven't noticed any change, except I feel bloated in my stomach and legs. I've cut out all processed foods, and empty carbohydrates. I also drink about a gallon of water every day. I am 148lb, size 4, in pretty good shape. I'd like to cut fat, get a six pack, and drop to a size 2. I also just had a baby 2 months ago. Will T 25 help me reach my goals?
